She Leads Georgia

”If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief… will arise from some other place… Who knows if perhaps you were [born] for just such a time as this?”  ~ Esther 4:14



She Leads Georgia, an affiliate of SHE LEADS AMERICA is a faith community of women comprised of many ethnicities, denominations, and backgrounds. As senior leaders engaged in several fields of interest including education, business, government, health and wellness, community outreach, social action, family, life and welfare, media and entertainment and Christian Ministry, we celebrate the accomplishments and impact women of faith are having in all sectors of society.   Where peripherals collide, convergence is imminent. As women connect in celebration of what God is accomplishing through our lives, and fueled by Agape Love, collaboration is ignited and change is accelerated to bring faith-based solutions to modern day challenges.

Founders: Dr. Alveda King and Dr. Ginger Howard